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The Wandering Womb Project is my crusade to wrestle infertility away from the closet.

Fertility is at the heart of every civilization ;  Most of humanity has been captivated by and held captive to, the authority of birth. But few consider who has held that authority — across the ages that domain has been both given to and claimed by a wide range of entities. The further away societies moved from women governing the domain of birth, the greater the blame, fear, disparaging and the shaming of women. I believe these stories have been carried down through the centuries and live within us today, showing up as secrecy, and shame around women’s bodies and fertility.

The Wandering Womb Project encompasses the following :

  • Aphrodite, Shame and the Wandering Womb : A Visual Exploration of Fertility and Power Across the Ages                – a 45 minute visual presentation, available to any size group, contact me for details at 207.233.5939
  • Ancient Fertility Icons and Goddesses – a coloring book, available for purchase ,pictured below. Twelve original drawings on seeded paper make for a unique birth or birthday gift. Contact me to purchase( $20 plus shipping and tax)
  • The Wandering Womb Project – a blog talk radio show, discussing tough topics around infertility (click on title)
  • Tales From the Wandering Womb – blog snippets of fun and fascinating ancient fertility lore (click on title)
